Aug 17, 2017 - Explore patarnold25's board "Harvey specter style" on Pinterest. On top of this, the field of law has conservative dress standards which he is required to stick to. Center vents are only meant for horse-back riding and ventless only looks good if you don’t have to sit down.Often, Harvey Specter is seen wearing a three-piece suit, which is classic but yet another tactic employed to create the illusion of confidence. Harvey doesn’t just kill his formal game in the office. I agree it’s “too much” on him given the collar. Personally, I think jetted pockets will look better with peaked lapels 9 out of 10 times, but if you want the Specter look, you need flap pockets as well as a flapped ticket pocket on the right.Just like 95% of all men, Specter wears side vents and so should you.
Any stylist worth their salt should be able to do this. James Spader’s character is always distinctive.Thank you for the article. Join the (non-spammy and very worthwhile) Hero and Villain Style club, and receive:Portrayed by Gabriel Macht in the hit USA network show From the 3 piece suits to the peaked lapels, there’s always something to set his sartorial looks apart.In this article, we’ll cover Harvey Specter’s formal suit style, accessories, and black tie style, and how you can incorporate it into your formal wardrobe.From this, we can connote that he doesn’t dress up because he wants to, but because As a result, Harvey’s Specter style is very refined and classic, He doesn’t dress the way he does because he enjoys it, but because it is functional. Not many people used to be able to do it but today, more and more tailors offer it.
Harvey Specter Style | Dress Like Gabriel Macht In Suits - Duration: 10:53. The quintessential shark with a heart, Specter is forced to hire an associate and in doing so, runs across a young law prodigy named Mike Ross, who doesn’t actually have a degree. The key is to get the gorge of the lapel not too high and not too low. by Heather Matthews; Posted on January 28, 2019 February 14, 2019; Season 9 of Suits will be its final season. Shapira. No offense if you work at a DA Office but it’s not known as the birthplace of the power suit.In the early seasons Spector’s suits were mostly made of dark high twisted worsted wool fabrics, whereas more recently you can see silk-wool blends that add a certain shine and lustre to the fabric which make them more unusual than just regular plain wool cloth suits. Harvey Specter Tuxedo Style. The model in question is the $350,000 Patek Philippe 5004P Chronograph – a statement if ever there was one. I ma thinking of David Boies who wears JC Penney suits.Thanks for adding the perspective of a real life lawyer Mark.In careers where interpersonal skills are paramount, how you dress can definitely have an impact on your fortunes … excellent break down and analysis!I love the details of all of this! E.g., white or pale shirts, solid ties or minimally patterned ties, and striped suits.Generally, such dashing leading men are not real life lawyers. I cannot think of a hotshot in the business who would wear one.