From the Arabic for “poison.”The annual strong summer winds in the Aegean Sea resulting from a low pressure trough in Asia that is part of Monsoon storm systems. wintry squall.
1. soft breeze. here is list of 100 adjectives words use to describe Spring season abloom active airy alive anew awakening barefoot beautiful blissful blooming blossoming blue breezy bright bucolic budding buzzing changing cheerful cheery chirping clean cloudless colorful crisp light lively lovely lush magnificent melting new newborn outdoor pastel peaceful picture perfect playing pleasant pretty pure …
Do you want to describe the "strong wind" or the "motion of his jacket"?
Apparently from a dialectal version of Matz, the surname of a shepherd who first identified its telltale cloud formation in the mountains.A Föhn wind that blows eastward over the Andes in Argentina.A hot, whirling wind in the Sahara and Arabian Desert that plays a role in reshaping dunes; it can move vast quantities of sand. For the wind, you can look into "gust" (noun), "blustery" (adjective), or their synonyms.
whipping winds. perfumed breeze. Lv 4.
blustery. Sough verb.
A wind is a current of air that is moving across the earth's surface. The spirit of the strong man was moved, and he trembled like a leaf shaken by the wind.But the upper edges are ragged, torn by a wind not yet felt below.The wind was strong from the westward, accompanied with light showers all day.It faded soon into a gray fog, with puffs of wind from the southwest again.Now it is a seed upon the wind, taking root in many nations.The distant sound of a church-clock is borne faintly on the wind.There was no danger of discovery on his approach, for it was a wild night of wind and rain.And they came like the wind, yelling at the sight of their quarry.Now the wind came like a wolf down the Murchison Pass, howling and moaning.The wind was high, but the sun bright, and the snow thawing.“Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every TimeWhat Is The Difference Between “Furlough” vs. “Layoff”?Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.Join our early testers! Wakeless. frigid, shrieking wind the sweet breath of the north wind whisper of the breeze trees thrashed in the wind a stiff wind windswept expanse hot dry wind flutter in the wind wind tossed whispers of wind a cold burst of wind a stiff breeze the power of the wind buffeting winds a fitful breeze stiff sea breeze atlantic, autumnal, balmy, beautiful, blithe, brisk, chill, chilling, chilly, clear, cold, coming, constant, cool, cooler, cooling, crisp, damp, delicious, delightful, dry, early, east, easterly. balmy breeze. Source (s): They are intensified as they blow through mountain gaps such as the one at the Isthmus of Tehuantepec.A stormy, cold wind that blows down the mountains in Alaska.A local whirling wind in Australia that raises small columns of dirt, or dust devils, from the ground.