I love lucid dreaming and can do virtually anything in my lucid dreams. Is this normal? Do you know if you are actually speaking out the dreams? Once I forced out the Word, "Jesus", it broke off of me and I woke up.

vivid dreams in which I visited exotic places that I'd never been (Paris, Afghanistan, Italy, etc0, with the smells, sounds of each place, including people speaking in foreign languages, dressed in the garb of the country, the aroma of foods cooking, etc. She will have full conversations with us while she is sleeping and it does tend to be early in the morning I have never heard her sleep talk at the beginning of the night.Me and my sleep partner have full conversations in our sleep. My Daughter sleeps on the Other couch a lot and she says I talk in my sleep a lot about Army stuff and my wife can hear it also...I've been sleep talking since I was a little girl. No one's been able to solve this.

If you have a religious or spiritual background then you may be more inclined to dream about possession or a spirit holding you down, whereas someone who doesn't believe in those things at all are more likely to dream that it is a human intruder or animal holding them down, especially during episodes of sleep paralysis.Exactly your experience--right down to having trouble forming the words. Partners would tell me in the morning, and I even lost a couple boyfriends because they avoided sleeping over and it put a strain on the relationship. He assumed I was BI-curious or something..anyway after that he became almost threatening and we came close to getting into a fight..Then In 1999 I had run into a former bully who used to harass me when I was a kid and my mother inlaw was stalking me and my wife wanting us to submit to her and her husband sending letters about God was going to get us for doing them wrong..They considered not doing their will as doing them wrong and coming against God or some crazy thing..Anyway I had Jumped up in my sleep and I knew I was asleep but could not wake up and I felt I was in danger..I ran into the Kitchen and slammed around in there and then I ran into the Bathroom jumped thru less than a foot opening in the window and ran thru the land lady's side crashing thru both doors and moving them almost off the door Hinge..I then came to on the the front porch Shaking..I ended up having 18 stitches...Anyway, I am a praying Man especially after that...I still talk in my sleep. I can see how depression or just stress can cause someone to talk in their sleep. He confirmed I had, although he said it had been difficult to understand as I'd only been saying it very quietly under my breath. It is impossible for someone experiencing different-language sleep-talk to speak in a language that he or she does not know or has not learned. It is no 'Psychology Today', but I do try ;-)I would love to hear what results you find from the sleep study.