Only six companies received a score of more than 75 percent, while 31 received a score of less than 50 percent. Adoption of international CG best practices leads to long-term sustainability and resilience, and can be a competitive tool to attract foreign investments. Strong corporate governance correlates to a positive effect on company performance due to greater transparency, increased efficiency and liability.Notably, the report lists that Thailand (67.7 percent) and Malaysia (62.3 percent) scored highest on the corporate governance scorecard with signs of further improvement to come.Well-governed firms have been noted to significantly outperform poorly governed firms by up to 15 percent a year.

This has already resulted in the release of the new Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance in 2012, which identified broad principles and specific recommendations on both structures and processes to improve corporate governance.Overall, however, companies in Malaysia frequently adhered only to the minimal requirements of the corporate governance laws, rules and regulations.It must be noted that the report deemed that the Philippine’s score is “essentially a trial score” due to the lack of prior education PLCs have received on corporate governance. and grow their operations.Stay Ahead of the curve in Emerging Asia. Since better corporate governance is correlated with better operating performance, the constant working of ASEAN-based companies to raise their standards will provide the region better results and increase investor confidence.Dezan Shira & Associates´ brochure offers a comprehensive overview of the services provided by the firm. Jun. hŞìV‹OSWÿú¼­ôqyŒ‡)(‚¢[ËC ‚´‡sFˆÉĞ!&UÙx¥hÙ²ÖÇLq! Corporate governance refers to the system of governance which controls and directs corporations, and monitors their actions and policies.The stated objective of the ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard is to:The Scorecard judges five key principles of corporate governance in each nation:The percentages indicate the allocated weight of each principle in determining the Scorecard of each country.The ASEAN countries that participated in the initiative include Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. businesses establish, maintain, Post was not sent - check your email addresses! These principles have since been further revised, and will take effect in January 2015.Vietnam’s Code of Corporate Governance, which was issued in March 2007, initially brought corporate governance concepts and issues into the public eye with regard to PLCs. Corporate governance refers to the system of governance which controls and directs corporations, and monitors their actions and policies. %%EOF Many of the corporate governance practices included in the Scorecard are voluntary practices, but the report details that Indonesian PLCs often only implement the mandatory practices, or the bare minimum necessary.Furthermore, Indonesia’s corporate governance code does not have a “comply or explain” requirement, which has resulted in many PLCs not referring to the code at all. ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard Country Reports and Assessments 2013–2014 Corporate Governance (CG) principles provide guidance on how corporations should operate.