How to Edit Soundcloud Profile "Android Phone - Duration: 2:42. How do I make my username and pic show up on my profile on the app

Navigate until you find the one you want, click on it to select it, and then click Those are the different ways that you can edit your SoundCloud profile, so go ahead and express yourself!

Good app, few suggestions. You can zoom and reposition your profile image during the upload process to get the perfect fit. Like other accounts you have on the web or in apps, your profile photo should be an image that helps fans and other users find you. The difference between a Display Name and a Profile URL on your SoundCloud account This is dependent on Google refreshing its cache, and SoundCloud cannot influence this.How can we help? We'll send you an e-mail with instructions to reset your password.Sorry, we're still checking this file's contents to make sure it's safe to download. Click One other way that you can customize your SoundCloud profile is by clicking the An explorer window will pop up allowing you to search your computer for a picture. If you are logged out from your account and are unable to recall your password, then follow these steps to reset it from your Computer or the SoundCloud mobile app:-On Computer. Click on Edit and you will now be able to edit your profile.

This is another photo that can cropped or repositioned for maximum impact. This image will be displayed as a horizontal or landscape image so select something that works well in that format. , click on the round circle. “My Facebook Page”). 1:37. What would you like more help with? If you are building a profile for a doom metal band using something like “” as your Profile URL is probably not the best idea you have had. If you want to delete a hyperlink from your profile, click the trashcan icon beside it. Hi there @ZackWayne, It's currently not possible to edit your profile on your mobile device.

Our app for Android. This will allow you to choose a background image for your profile. Choose a photo or a logo you want to use. It’s important to get this part right. The cleaner your display name is, the better your profile will look on SoundCloud and the more professional it will look when it is embedded on other sites and apps. This banner image is a great pace to feature the project you are currently promoting, like a track, EP, album or tour. This is dependent on Google refreshing its cache, and SoundCloud cannot influence this. The orange button "save changes" is inactive when i am clicking on it. By continuing to use the service, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. It’s important to select an image that represents you or your tracks accurately and sends a message about what you represent. If you are uploading episodes of a podcast – use the podcast name. How to edit your SoundCloud profile . Our app for Android makes it easy for you to hear what you want to hear. Your new profile URL and display name will be immediately searchable within SoundCloud, but may not show up immediately in Google search. Please try again in a few minutes.Sorry, our virus scanner detected that this file isn't safe to download. 2:42. Click on Profile from the dropdown box. Please note that if you change the URL for your profile, any links and embeds previously posted to third party sites before August 2010 will be broken.