I so much more prefer, “Better to be alone, than to be in BAD company!” God Bless!Negative people need to pull others down so they can feel superior. I felt so alone and rejected.today I continue to be around positive people and I am no longer aloneThe images, quotes, photography, posted on this website are for informational and viewing purposes only and they are the property of the copyright holders. The people you surround yourself with, you become. You have changed your home, your values, your career, your life. The people you surround yourself with, you become. Regardless of your strength as an individual, you are not immune to a constant surrounding of negative energy or bad influence.Your friendships, just like everything in your life, need updating.
©2020 Verizon Media. They need to be reassessed from time to time to determine if they are still working in your life.
You draw in those who have the same characteristics. Your direction in life depends on it. Being surrounded by the wrong people is the loneliest place in the world.
The number one excuse we make to stay in these toxic relationships is the length of time we have known the other person. If you are positive, you attract cheerful individuals. It’s a MustThanks! We are all energy. Like attracts like. Best of all positive people love who you are & value what you have to give.I just left an abusive relationship with no support from my ex He is indeed a negative person. Regardless of your strength as an individual, you are not immune to a constant surrounding of negative energy or bad influence. But are grade school memories and Kodak moments enough?There is a beauty of having old friends that I will not deny, but history alone is not enough to bring an old friendship into the present, and subsequently, the future. Your friendships, just like everything in your life, need updating. All rights reserved. Before you diagnose yourself as an unhappy person, first be sure that you are not simply surrounded by negative people constantly trying to bring you down to their level. But then, we grew up.Fast forward a decade. They care enough to have those difficult conversations that most people will avoid.If you want to have greatness in your life, surround yourself with great people. All rights reserved.There is a beauty of having old friends that I will not deny, but history alone is not enough to bring an old friendship into the present, and subsequently, the future.Luxury Travel Expert, Relationship and Lifestyle ColumnistThis post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings and emotions.Absolutely u don’t needs these people around at all . They do try, don’t they??? No copyright infringement is intended. True friends are the ones that have the courage to tell you when you're losing your way. In no way am I saying to ditch the people you love. Because if you are influenced negatively by someone, it will affect how you are with the people who love you. However, you need to consciously evaluate each friendship and how it affects you… Surround yourself with persons who get out the best of you. You might think being alone makes you lonely, but that’s not entirely true. There goes that ‘good old saying’, “Misery LOVES company” …. That is why it is important to be very careful when choosing who we let enter into our intimate circle. So you're gonna be in the last sermon again is be careful who you surround yourself with be careful about the people that you associate with Amen, the people that you are Associated with years and years and years ago, there was a man who.
And while you're at it, have the courage to be a good friend to those who choose you.Luxury Travel Expert, Relationship and Lifestyle ColumnistPart of HuffPost Wellness. Stop letting people who do […] If you subject yourself to peers who are negative, insecure or destructive, it will affect you.
Your friends should bring out the best in you. "Stop using this as a limiting belief to deceive yourself."