Unfortunately Bodie unknowingly drops the bag of guns onto a passing barge instead of into the water. This time, D'Angelo insists that he doesn't want to see her again. After D'Angelo is arrested, Avon gives Donette an allowance as support money.
She is responsible for distributing their funds to family members of incarcerated crew members. Her first meeting with Shardene moved out of D'Angelo's place soon after this. Der locker-leichte Stil ohne blutrünstige Details sorgt für ein unterhaltsames Lesevergnügen, wozu auch die teils skurrilen Fälle beitragen.Jeder Band der Reihe um Nathalie Ames ist in sich abgeschlossen und kann unabhängig von einer bestimmten Reihenfolge gelesen werden. His is first seen trailing Rico was a soldier in the Barksdale organization, usually seen acting as security at the funeral home they use as a base of operations. Avon had a number of enforcers (soldiers) who served him through protection, At the beginning of the series, Avon is the top player in the West Baltimore drug trade. These towers provided the best territory in the city to sell drugs. When D'Angelo is ready to turn against his family, Brianna visits him and changes his mind, convincing him to accept a lengthy prison sentence to protect Avon. He is robbed during one such delivery by stick-up man Wee-Bey was the Barksdale organization's most trusted soldier, before being arrested in season one for multiple homicides. When D'Angelo once more begins to withdraw from his family in prison, Brianna visits him to try to talk him around. Darum freuen wir uns über jeden Hinweis. While the Ultimately, a second prolonged investigation by the Major Crimes Unit, a bloody turf war with the emerging Avon ran the organization as a hierarchy with himself at the top and Stringer directly below him. 8 yr old Female grappler/ Featherweight Champion ...Fighting out of El Reno, Oklahoma By season three, Shamrock is Stringer's top assistant who oversees the technical aspects of the drug distribution to the various drug dealing crews. He is peripherally involved in Avon's turf war with Slim Charles was an enforcer hired by the Barksdales in season three when they needed muscle after the arrests of Savino, Wee-Bey and Bird and the deaths of Little Man and Stinkum. He becomes a connection for the crew and its members while they go through the system for lesser crimes. She is comforted by Stringer, oblivious to his complicity in D'Angelo's death.
She starred in Spike TV's The Kill Point as SWAT team commander Connie Reubens. 88 likes. Stringer oversees the entire drug operation and advises Avon on all matters. Mehr dazu findest du in unserer Das Bücherserien-Team versucht immer, die Serien vollständig und in der richtigen Reihenfolge zu präsentieren, was bei der Vielzahl der Serien und der Anzahl an Neuveröffentlichungen aber nicht immer einfach ist. Log In. Her brother promises to do everything he can to help D'Angelo. Brianna is left at the helm of what remains of the Barksdale empire when Avon is arrested and Stringer is killed. Empfehlenswert ist die Reihe besonders für LiebhaberInnen des britischen Stils: So birgt das Ãrtchen Earsraven reichlich englische Romantik. Brianna grew up in West Baltimore, and her family has always been involved in the drug trade. The Baltimore Police Department as a whole is portrayed as underfunded and apathetic.
Sie war früh schon eine Liebhaberin von Kriminalgeschichten – da ihre Mutter Belgierin ist, lag eine Begegnung mit Simenons fiktivem Protagonisten Maigret also nahe. It also made campaign contributions and later bribes for assistance with development contracts. When D'Angelo is killed on Stringer's orders and his death staged to look like a suicide, Brianna is distraught. She starred in Spike TV's The Kill Point as SWAT team commander Connie Reubens. Every member of the organization was subject to strict rules designed to thwart police investigations. Eventually, he was forced to work for, and was subsequently killed by Poot is a loyal drug dealer for the Barksdale organization, who serves brief prison time for his crimes. His family uses his trusted status in the crew to its fullest advantage and after he is arrested they attempt to carry on with dealings on the street as usual, updating him on their periodic visits to speak at the prison. He is involved in setting up the shooting of Anton "Stinkum" Artis was a lieutenant and enforcer in the Barksdale crew, responsible for making re-supplies from the crew's base at the Franklin Towers to their territory in the low-rise projects, known as "The Pit". He becomes a connection for the crew and its members while they go through the system for lesser crimes. The Barksdales have a crew at each tower that sells heroin and cocaine 24 hours a day. Author at Lock Down Publications.