Links to outside sites and more satellite data: NOAA National Hurricane Center - for official forecasts and outlooks. On average around 9 tropical storms form each year, with 5 reaching hurricane strength, This data the surface water temperature on the Caribbean Sea coast.

Mount Pelée receives six times as much rain as does Presqu'ile de la Caravelle, nearby on the east coast.

You can also view the Temperatures along Caribbean island shores are remarkably steady year round. Over the year, the daytime high on a beach varies by only a few degrees. While most of these systems do not become tropical storms, some do.

Over the year, the daytime high on a beach varies by only a few degrees.

Rain falls most frequently and heavily on some of the eastern islands, particularly Dominica, Martinique and St. Lucia.Rainfall and temperature data come from each island's meteorological organization. The rainfall pattern on Martinique is similar. Also satellite map, hurricane tracker and monthly climate averages. If you are in the path of a storm you should be listening to official information sources.Weather warnings can be used to plan ahead and survive.The Caribbean is a focal area for many hurricanes within the Western Hemisphere.This website is dedicated to the memory of Major Oscar Singer, author of Similarly, ocean temperatures don't change much from month to month or place to place. Click on a station marker for the near real-time and monthly mean temperature of the station. The Caribbean hurricane season as a whole lasts from June through November, with the majority of hurricanes occurring during August and September. ; University of Wisconsin SSEC GOES Images and Loops; Advanced Scatterometer Winds: ASCAT METOP-A | ASCAT METOP-B RAMSDIS Online - Tropical This icon serves as a link to download the eSSENTIAL Accessibility assistive technology app for individuals with physical disabilities.

Water temperature in the Caribbean averages about five to eight degrees cooler than air temperature. The Global Infrared Satellite image shows clouds by their temperature. To see the details, select the country and then the city of your interest.

The Blue Mountains of Jamaica get over 200 inches annually, while Kingston on the coast gets just one-sixth that amount. While most of these systems do not become tropical storms, some do. The tropical storms can develop into Atlantic hurricanes, often in the low pressure areas of the eastern Caribbean. But the comfort level depends on several factors.

The Caribbean is a focal area for many hurricanes within the Western Hemisphere. A series of low pressure systems develop off the West coast of Africa and make their way across the Atlantic Ocean. Caribbean weather report with 10-day forecasts, current weather and temperatures for all major islands.

A series of low pressure systems develop off the West coast of Africa and make their way across the Atlantic Ocean. Similarly, ocean temperatures don't change much from month to month or place to place. The map below shows the near real-time water temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit (°F). Year round, the Caribbean waters average 81 degrees Fahrenheit, an inviting temperature for swimming.The amount of rain that falls in the Caribbean varies immensely from island to island, from coast to coast and from beach to mountain top.It rains most in the mountains. Temperatures along Caribbean island shores are remarkably steady year round. Caribbean water temperatures range between the low 70s and low 80s Fahrenheit during most of the year.

It also stays about midway between the daytime highs and nighttime lows.
Use the near real-time water temperature data with discretion, because they may contain errors.

Red and blue areas indicate cold (high) cloud tops. The annual averages are based on historical weather records.These temperatures are in degrees Fahrenheit.