Serena thinks they should have stayed in a hotel but Fred reassures them that he is humble and "down to Earth." Winslow runs into June at Jezebel's. When he tries to force himself on her, she fights back and an altercation starts between the two of them, ending in June stabbing him multiple times with a pen and knocking him out with a statue despite his pleas to her that he has kids. He takes her to a posh suite to talk, asking if Commander Lawrence brought her here. She replies she's there for fun, with the purpose of telling him everything that happens. Winslow greets the Waterfords, and then he and Fred talk about the preparations for their ceremony.
June and the Waterfords wait in the living room with two birds in a cage.
Winslow opens the doors to the bedroom and asks her to get on the bed and strip her underwear off and lie on the bed face down. High Commander George Winslow is a minor recurring character in season three of The Handmaid's Tale. June and the Waterfords travel to Commander Winslow's house. Polly then breaks it by inviting over her father and Fred for a tea party. High Commander Winslow chats with Commander Waterford while playing snooker. Regarding the Swiss mediation as a triumph, Commander Winslow and Fred drink a toast to the latter.
His body was later cremated by several Marthas.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. There was sexual tension in this scene, revealing that the High Commander is a gender traitor.