Congress enacted antitrust laws to promote free competition and stop anticompetitive conduct on a federal level.This was the first litigated challenge to a vertical merger in nearly 40 years.The full version of this article was originally published in the July 2018 issue of Perspectives in Antitrust newsletter, by the American Bar Association. The full version of this article was originally published in the July 2018 issue of Perspectives in Antitrust newsletter, by the American Bar Association. Are all the cool people doing it? Historical and cultural distinctions have influenced the evolution and enforcement of US and EU antitrust law.Are failures in our antitrust paradigm the cause of broad societal issues? Hipster Antitrust: A Brief Primer. Perspectives in Antitrust newsletter is a member benefit of the ABA Section of Antitrust Law Civil Practice and Procedure Committee. Does it involve bearded competition lawyers?

State AGs can continue to have an impact in antitrust enforcement.US and EU law diverge significantly in their treatment of the dealings between suppliers and retailers.Changes in governmental leadership do not appear to have altered the advancement of antitrust scrutiny and enforcement.Search our topical archive for a vast array of valuable career advice. Hipster Antitrust refers to the movement to shift the focus of United States antitrust law from the maximization of consumer welfare to include other goals, such … A recent paper by a group of antitrust scholars dives deeply into the “hipster antitrust” line of thinking, which has also been called the “New Brandeis School” or the “New Progressive Antitrust Movement.” Hipster antitrust just has a better ring to it, though, and some of its proponents have embraced the label (ironically, of course).

But its new supporters are a bit like the old Looney Tunes character Elmyra, who tended to hug her pets to death. /content/aba-cms-dotorg/en/groups/young_lawyers/publications/tyl/topics/antitrust/hipster-antitrust-brief-primer Learn more about the Section of Antitrust Law.

The conference will discuss the main ideas behind the new Hipster Antitrust movement in USA and its influence on EU competition policy and beyond.The past decades have been characterised by a limited antitrust enforcement in USA.
This piece will briefly look at “hipster antitrust”—what it is, why it came about, criticisms against it, and whether it has anything to offer the prevailing modes of antitrust analysis.

Perspectives in Antitrust newsletter is a member benefit of the ABA Section of Antitrust Law Civil Practice and Procedure Committee. But did they ruin antitrust too? One buzz term you be hearing lately among antitrust practitioners is “hipster antitrust.” But what does that term even mean?

The core motivation of the hipster antitrust movement is to … The problem with that, seems to me, is that being a hipster is not necessarily a bad thing and, therefore, the rhetoric trick may not be the best tactic for the defenders of the antitrust status quo.

Let me give you a brief historical timeline, which I think has led us to the use of this term. The fourth Annual Conference of the Florence Competition Programme (FCP) will take place on 25th October 2019 at the European University Institute (EUI) campus in Florence. Hipster Antitrust: A Brief Primer.

/content/aba-cms-dotorg/en/groups/young_lawyers/publications/tyl/topics/antitrust US Antitrust Enforcement Becomes a Hot Topic for Resolving Broader ConcernsAn Overview of the Evolution and Enforcement of Antitrust Laws in the European Union and United StatesTrust the (Local) Process: Advantages State Attorneys General Enjoy in Merger Review Hipsters are known to ruin everything.

Perspectives in Antitrust newsletter is a member benefit of the ABA Section of Antitrust Law Civil Practice and Procedure Committee.