Sternzeichen Fische 20.02 - 20.03. Todesort: Wien.

Birth Name: Hugo Wolf Occupation: Composer Place Of Birth: Slovenj Gradec Date Of Birth: March 13, 1860 Date Of Death: February 22, 1903 Cause Of Death: N/A Ethnicity: Unknown Nationality: Slovene. Daneben komponierte er Opern, Chorwerke, mehrere Instrumentalwerke (darunter die sinfonische Dichtung "Penthesilea") sowie ein "Spanisches" und ein "Italienisches Liederbuch". His primary motivation came from Romantic music- western classical music, but Wolf had a unique way of delivering his music to sound unique and original. He studied Viennese classics and composed his first songs in Maribor: a piano sonata, piano variations, five lieder, among which four were based on Goethe’s poems, some sketches for string quartet and choral works.His determination to live by music alone finally showed results. He received his first music lessons from his father as well as from his home tutor, Sebastian Weixler, which included playing the second violin in his father’s house orchestra.After the bilingual four-year school in Slovenj Gradec, he attended the grammar school in Graz, he then went to St. Paul in the Lavant valley, and, in the end, he tried his luck in Maribor, but with no success. Cookies: Um das Nutzerverhalten zu analysieren verwenden wir Google Analytics ohne Erhebung personenbezogener Daten. Name: Hugo Wolf. Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! Seine letzten Jahre verbrachte er in einer Heilanstalt. Hugh MacPherson Wolff (born October 21, 1953, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France) is an American conductor.. His publications of song-books enabled Wolf’s breakthrough to the wider music public).As a result of his progressive illness, he did not produce any work in the period between 1891 and 1895. Juli 1969 betrat ein Amerikaner als erster Mensch den Mond. Sie besteht aus der Speziellen Re... Mehr Informationen zum Datenschutz finden Sie Copyright © 1999-2020 by WHO'S WHO, Alle Rechte vorbehalten Determined to succeed, he had returned to Vienna in November 1877, where he, not even eighteen years old, contracted syphilis – an incurable illness that influenced his life and work until his untimely death in 1903.The period between 1888 and 1891, when Wolf divided his time between between Austria and Germany, was the most creative phase of his life: In 1888, he created the first of the immortal lieder to Eduard Mörike’s lyrical poetry (in the same year, he produced as many as forty-three). Hugo Wolf was born on March 13th, 1860 in Slovenj Gradec in Slovenia. Born in France while his father was serving in the U.S. Foreign Service, Wolff spent his primary-school years in London. Geboren am: 13.03.1860. Verstorben am: 22.02.1903. Web: … Hugo Wolf. Zahlreiche Kompositionen wurden für das Hugo Wolf Quartett geschrieben und von ihm uraufgeführt, wie das 4. Twitter. He moved back to Slovenj Gradec, where he created the first choral cycles and lieder (Wanderlied) during the summer 1877. Having failed school, he returned to Slovenj Gradec before the end of the school year 1875. : +386 2 62 12 522 E-Mail: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Phasen intensiver Schaffenskraft wechselten sich mit künstlerisch unfruchtbaren Zeiten mit starken Depressionen ab. Slovenian … Der österreichische Komponist. Er lebte als freischaffender Komponist in Wien. His father’s sister Katarina, who lived in Vienna, was willing to house her aspiring nephew, as her daughters Anna and Ida already attended the conservatory. Hugo Wolf was born on the 13th March 1860 in Slovenj Gradec as the third child of the German speaking family of a tanner and furrier, a respected citizen and music enthusiast Philipp Wolf and his wife Katarina (born Nussbaumer). So wie Neil Armstrong damals "einen großen Schritt für die Menschheit" vollzog, haben zahlreiche Persönlichkeiten vor und nach ihm...Die umfängliche Aufhebung des herrschenden WeltbildesAlbert Einsteins Relativitätstheorie beschreibt die Struktur von Raum und Zeit sowie das Wesen der Gravitation.

Email. Streichquartett von Friedrich Cerha, „Dichotomie“ und „K´in“ von Johannes Maria Staud, Streichquartette von Erich Urbanner, Dirk D´Ase und Otto M. Zykan, sowie ein Quartett und ein Oktett des Jazzgitarristen Wolfgang Muthspiel. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. Kärntner Regionalmuseum Glavni trg 24, Slovenj Gradec, Slowenien. Wolf played piano and violin even at preschool and was regarded as a musical prodigy with perfect pitch. Print. Pinterest. The same year, several public concert evenings with his lieder were organised; in 1889, Wolf composed the first songs from the monumental Goethe cycle; in 1890, he travelled multiple times to Germany, where he established a circle of important acquaintances (for example Ludwig Strecker, the director of the famous publishing house Schott. Geburtsort: Windischgrätz. Wenn Sie die Website weiter nutzen, stimmen Sie der Verwendung von Cookies zu. Facebook.

Durch die Vertonung von über 300 Liedern von Lyrikern wie Eichendorff, Mörike und Goethe wurde er zum weltberühmten Meister des Liedes.