Galaxies and nebulae are diffuse, so subtract an integer.Except for the brightest magnitude objects, most nebulae will appear white/gray because they are too dim to activate the cone (color-sensing) cells in our eyes. �]��E��H�z��}����˙��jNx=O����d�)N6ւ�3nY�s�ڙL�=�+J�5_�� �ܛ5���՜�� 9��Ȳ(����O:?��쓌��fT[���f2W�^���$���(�z���̒�O�����`�B���pTԣG�F��p.������@�'he�VB��V`m��MV�D���U�Q{T�p���0��c�V�Ӑ�4�CM�n���~5t���c��>�XKmOf�)�QI��)qB! These are the brightest and most interesting nebulae listed in the Messier Catalog. Among the 150 bright nebulae in this list (a subset of a list compiled for the Astronomical League) are some of the most famous showpieces in the both . 2 0 obj Emission nebulae are typically red. Also see list of 147 nebulae for a list of notable named nebulae. The famous Horsehead Nebulae (Barnard 33) is also located close to the Orion Nebula. 40 brightest nebulae in the night sky. It is much easier to see color in stars than in diffuse objects like nebulae or galaxies. Mag. Column explanations: Object: Messier number if preceded by M, otherwise NGC number. Same reason you can see color in daylight and black/white at night. %��������� x�͝[w�u���W����~ɛ�ȱ�J���Zy��d Cs@�̯O0]�S�>`@r�Kn�LOuչ��>��8�m*S�D�u(S(~J)o��>^L�3�N����L�I��ww>�����������?�o�og6z2��w�7������՟8w�7ꛏ݅p�����B��/�K��I��������?�WR:\�诔����t�]���:��p�y߿�W|^s���|�)a��s�|:z���/~����뷯�z�ؓ��D=�IJ�$mM���������1�0mO����g����ζ��a��?��^}�]0&�\���JXv�]OZ���_)v}&T�2���=��RO˛�3��|��:���s��s����+^/v���/j�eT�eBޔ'_Դ~Q˖Q|s�?�9�!D�"�rx��7:���G9��`�럸rx��/���
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