Ihre E-Mail-Adresse an. Thank you, sir. So we thank you, God, bless you. Get Directions (757) 622-1300. Seven elder, Michael Green sr is the President elective resolution from bishop Frank and found white's office in eastern New York, third jurisdiction resolution from bishop Robert Well, Daniel senior the Virginia second jurisdiction letters of condolence from the women's Department of the Virginia second jurisdiction. Another will be held in the archives of Virginia first jurisdiction, God bless you At this time, our jurisdictional Secretary, superintendent Greg, cooper, is coming with the knowledge moments and resolutions Praise the lord church there are so many cards and letters of condolences resolutions we're going to read of you.
Well done good and faithful servant and you've been favorable few things I'm gonna make it a little over matter. For many years, all of our lives really and we give God praise from other hortense willis and even the memory of levi. I call to mind and therefore I have hope because of the lord's great love we are not consumed for his compassion, never fail. Uh. Zudem musste Queen-Sohn Für Kritik oder Anregungen füllen Sie bitte die nachfolgenden
She was a faithful loyal member of the church of God in christ who has the life and witness of motherhood as well as have left an indelible impact upon the hearts of all those who have benefited from our presence and, whereas Upon successful completion of 90 years of life by the will of God, she was released from this world and now I realize the benefits of her preparation in this life and has joined those who have successfully finished their course and live eternally with the lord. Let them know who God is let them know serve. We call it the passionate church and they're in the state of Pennsylvania the commonwealth, like this is too a common where, but in Philadelphia the city of brotherly love the place where William penn, who founded because of his devotion to religious tolerance, Philadelphia place where Boar and love part you all know them. She was a lovely lady and a beautiful lady and let me leave the family with these words that mother willis was the daughter of faith and she was a daughter Of promise in the scriptures we find listed the names of many noble daughters, but Sarah is the only one found worthy of remark in the sacred writings of the bible who's age death and burial are distinctly noted. Damit wir antworten können, geben Sie bitte
The life of devotion and loyalty to the Christian community. It is a great supplement and distinguish honor that there are hearts are sadden. I left the area in the us air force going to be in support of the Vietnam era and when I left here I left in the early seventies. We come to make known that we shall and carry the torch And I remember, as a little boy because it said we this is about something to remember.
We had Sunday evening church.
Bishop L.E. Secretary cooper at this time before I finish this if you Park your car on the medium in front of the church you're in danger of being told you can't pop up on the grass area so, if you Park, there, I would suggest you move your car as soon as possible. ABOUT VIRGINIA THIRD ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION, COGIC. Wellness in this jurisdiction that we welcome that her memory is and forever will be indelibly etched in our hearts. I said mother I'm doing well.
We spent Sunday Mornings in Sunday school we spent Sunday mornings and worship. 2,179 people like this. She presented the style and manner of decorum complementary to the standard of holiness and the word of God.
Community See All. The creator in glory where, as it is in god's holy wisdom, that he is called mother, was home to dwell with him and hello paradise the opposition officers and members of the Virginia 30 easy Oscar jurisdiction offer our most benevolent and sincere condolences to the willis family know that your sorrow is our sorrow, your loss is our loss It's at magnified as it is, the loss of such a great person, mother leader and woman of God. I comfort you with these words, be encourage be strengthen, remember in psalms 48 the verse 13.
That the presiding bishop the general board general officers leadership and constituency the church of God in christ ballin humble submission to the will of almighty God and farewell to our beloved Dollar and be it finally resolved that with heartfelt sympathy and prayer on behalf of the church of God in christ, this tribute is presented to bishop willis Jr and family may we also live that when the time comes, we too were here the voice of the lord explain servant well done, given under my hand and the great seal of the church of God in christ this 20 second day of September in the year of our lord two thousand and eighteen julie July The junior general Secretary church of God in christ incorporated bishop Charles Edward blake, senior presiding bishop bishop Charles harrison, mason founder arrest solution that has been ask by bishop to read from the wisconsin first jurisdiction church of God in christ embraces you in prayer and love in the loss of your loved one mother hortense ernestine Jones willis. I will acknowledge them all and I'll start with just a list that we have. You that labor and are heavy Laden and I will give you rest, take my yoke upon you and learn of me. She remembered how to honor her father and mother.
We made it.