In season 4, it is revealed that Richard has been having yearly lunches with Pennilyn Lott (his ex-girlfriend) without telling Emily.

A few months later, Jess returns again to Stars Hollow to attend Liz's wedding on Luke's request. He is not seen again that season, but returns to Chilton in Season 3 after teaching at As Stars Hollow's most powerful citizen, Taylor often uses his positions in a rather self-serving manner.
He tells Rory he thinks Lorelai was right to raise Rory alone, but maintains he always loved Rory. He returns to attend the wedding of Luke and Lorelai. She confides in friend Lane that Jess was appealing in his tastes and attractiveness, but contrasts his unreliability unfavorably with Dean's dependable nature. Kirk and Lulu remain together throughout the rest of the show. Paris and Rory's rivalry continues unabated and periods of hostility arise, but after Paris and Rory bond at a Bangles concert in New York, they slowly In season three, Paris starts her first romantic relationship with a Princeton student, Jamie (In the revival, it was revealed that she went into The character of Paris was originally created for a three-episode guest arc by series creator Amy Sherman-Palladino and executive producer Gavin Polone at the beginning of the show's first season to introduce the high pressures, competitiveness, and stress of Rory's transition from a small public high school in Stars Hollow to the elite institution of Chilton. They also go to Martha's Vineyard with Luke and Lorelai.
The two enter therapy sessions together, which Emily terminates because of her dissatisfaction with Lorelai's unchanged behavior towards her, and finally reconcile when Lorelai calls her and shares a fond memory of Richard with her. Jess and Luke reconcile after an argument at T.J.'s bachelor party and some shared romantic advice. Richard died four months before the beginning of the events that take place in the series' 2016 revival. Jess is shown attending school less often, working increasingly long hours, secretly at first, for Walmart. Mia gave Lorelai a job as a maid and allows Lorelai and Rory to live in a converted potting shed behind the inn, where they live for most of Rory's early childhood. 6 "An Affair to Remember." As a result, she spends much of her time arranging charity events, and she is very concerned with propriety and appearances. Lane is a cheerleader, member of the marching band, and describes herself as a "dedicated audiophile" and music fanatic. She begs Mia to hire her though she has no experience of any kind. In the revival, she spends a year mourning Richard's death.

For many years, I have made a vocal argument that season 1 Rory could never have become season 7 Rory without one, single character: her foil, nemesis and ersatz friend, Paris Geller. The family name is a reference to the main character of the 1957 movie Logan eventually winds up comforting Rory at a party after her break-up with Dean. When the series ends and Rory goes off to begin a reporting career, Emily believes that their weekly dinners will end since Lorelai and Rory no longer need monetary support.