Doing so tends to give you a better angle for photographs, which look ugly when a fish is held aloft by its battered, stretched, or slashed gills. Picking the right one will make your day on the boat, on the pier or on the river bank more successful and enjoyable. and it’s amazing how easily it can get onto your camera’s lens and how often we don’t notice it until we get home and review our photos.

You’ll be less likely to drop it or squeeze the life out of it, which makes for a better-looking fish. If you do have a boat, there is a nice launch ramp to take advantage of and you’ll get some striking views thrown in for good measure – while you’re looking for a fish to strike that is… The lake immediately above here (Tamarack) used to be a great fishing spot for Brook Trout, but … Subjects like the head of the fish, the smiling face of the angler, or even an outstretched net reaching for a trout are good examples of photograph elements that should be placed along the powerful “thirds” lines and intersections. you’ll get better photos if you don’t have to mess around with preparing your gear with a writhing fish on the deck or dock. DSLR, point-and-shoot or smart phone, it doesn’t really matter.

Here’s the scoop.The look of your images has everything to do with how you set up your camera. Your style – your ‘voice’ – will emerge in time. It’s easy to forget how much the picture of this fish matters in the thrill and excitement of the moment, You will spend more time untangling knots than actually fishing. Select a weight just heavy enough to keep the bait anchored. If you shoot with the light source to the side or behind the subject, you are able to shape with the light, creating a more interesting photo. How to Take Better Instagram Photos. I’d love to hear them.In the past five years Lisa has contracted dengue fever in Indonesia, broken her big toes climbing the summit of Mt Fuji in Japan, snapped British chef Gordon Ramsey in a Thai transsexual bar, been bed ridden with bacterial conjunctivitis in Burma, partied with Dennis Rodman, hung out the door of more helicopters than she would like to remember, thrown up violently with food poisoning in Cambodia, and was detained by the police in Zimbabwe for practicing journalism without accreditation during the Mugabe reign in 2007.We all know the media is changing, with more and more people making their own videos, writing stories and sharing photos and ideas through social media. Fishing Lakes and Ponds. Instead of having ten different lenses, invest in some fantastic photography books. Therefore you would change your camera’s shutter speed to a long exposure. Take a screenshot (on Apple phones you hold the power and the home key together at the same time, and on many Android devices it’s volume down and power) and you’ll have a usable still image. Instead, hold the fish by the tail, with its head supported by your hand and held towards the camera.Just in case I wasn’t clear enough on this, don’t take photos of dead fish. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. “Swim” your fish between photos by dipping it in the water (with a careful grip),