For years I've traveled the world with an insatiable lust for learning how the world works, how to find the greatest advantages, the little hacks, insights and opportunities. It is possible to apply for citizenship after holding permanent residence status in Thailand for 10 consecutive years.A selection of alternative residency and citizenship investment programmes to consider. There is no annual fee and no age restriction. Permanent residence can only be obtained when an individual has had a Thai non-immigrant visa for at least three years prior to the submission of their application. This visa cannot be transferred, but it can be upgraded to Elite Ultimate Privilege option for approximately $45 000 USD.After living in Thailand for 10 years, you have a right to apply for Thai citizenship. The residence visa obtained through the Thailand elite residence program does not lead to permanent residence status or citizenship. This opportunity requires buying property in Thailand. The fee is approximately $30 000 USD per the main applicant and another $22 500 USD for each dependent. Our Thailand residency program provides the benefit of living in a highly sought-after destination with exceptional lifestyle and beautiful beaches. The residence visa can be transferred once during the 20-year validity at 20% of the prevailing rate.This visa comes with some VIP perks. You must make annual reports on your investment to the Immigration Commission and hold the asset for at least three years. A programme applicable for HNW global citizens wanting frequent access or residency in Thailand.The Thailand elite residence program offers applicants the right to live in the country for up to 20 years along with access to privileged services and VIP benefits. With the permanent residence permit, you will be able to become a director of the public company, which will be registered in Thailand. I've been frustrated by others not being diligent, missing details and as a result sharing subpar information so here we are to give you a holistic picture hopefully free of biases and just giving you the practical details that will make a difference to you. You will get 24 hours visa assistance, exclusive VIP lounge access, and unlimited short haul airport transfers (50-80km) for all international flights.You will get 24 spa treatments per year and access to golf fields, plus one annual checkup at a private hospital.Besides this, you will have government concierge services, they will assist you with your residency, driver’s license, work permit, and other documentation.This program is designed for a family application. There is no age limit and no annual fee. Please tick above to confirm funds. You will get 10 years residence visas for each applicant. This property needs to be new and approved.Besides that, there is an opportunity of investing the same amount in government bonds or depositing It in Thai bank. (TPC)The program was initiated in 2003 to attract wealthy global citizens who wish to spend extended periods of time in the country and take advantage of its beneficial tax regime and affordable but high standard of living.The Thailand elite residence program offers seven options, of which the following three are most popular:TPC provides an efficient application process for residence: in less than one month a visa will be issued and may be collected from a designated international airport in Thailand.

As you can see, there are multiple options if you want to get Thai residency.You might pay a fee to get residency, you might buy your own property, or simply invest money. Citizenship by Investment Immigration by Investment and Tax Residency Incorporate your Company International Bank Account Options Strategic Internationalization. Thailand currently offers seven options for golden visas (Thai permanent residence by investment), with the following three being the most popular: Elite Ultimate Privilege The investor will get a 20 years residency visa in exchange for approximately $60 000 USD fee that needs to be paid once, and an annual fee of approximately $600 USD.