As expats, we understand what you need, and offer the That is because recruiters are used to looking and skimming through a certain kind of structure, and you want to up your chances by making their job easier.Here are some dos and don’ts when it comes to handing out a CV in Italy:While cover letters are essential in some countries, in Italy these depend mostly on the job market and job postings. These include several aids when it comes to employment, unemployment, healthcare, family benefits, old-age, disability, invalidity, and more.This may include monetary allowances or leaves of absence from work.You can find more information on each benefit on the Make it a Stress-Free Process with Our Essential Relocation Services.Resident mothers who are giving birth, adopting, or fostering a child are entitled to maternity leave, No minimum contribution is required, unless you are registered with the INPS under a special scheme, such as an agricultural worker, an independent worker, etc., in which case you should check your specific conditions. The best way to find work is to contact hotel chains directly, preferably at least six months before you wish to start work.

Best Things to Do In Venice, Italy Venice, Italy. Moreover, Italian being the official language in the country, most locals are not fluent in English.

However, there are still jobs available for non-EU expatriates looking to work in Venice. In the meantime, hold on to a copy of the receipt.Your health card is valid as long as you have permission to stay in the country.

Tap to see all guide sections To find a fruit or vegetable picking job, visit the local information centre, which will provide you with a list of farms in the area taking on temporary workers for the harvest season. Ask them here: For example, au pair positions are reserved for EU citizens by law. Working
Living Overview Jobs Abroad in Venice Venice is truly one of the most unique cities in the world.
Goodness knows why, because it’s boring, badly paid and involves hard physical work, although a surprising number of young people find it appealing. As a self-employed worker, you will be paying taxes on your income at the same rates as other workers in Italy.By far, the easiest way to take up self-employment is through freelance work.Registering a limited liability company or joint-stock company requires more investment up-front. Nonetheless, we show you how to find a job in Italy no matter your field of work. Frustration with immigrants taking jobs is common and because of this, finding a job in Italy may be challenging.