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Which model of the universe gives the youngest age for its present size and expansion ... Use this graph to answer the following question about cosmological models for the expansion of the universe. The size of the Universe (y-axis, in light years) versus the age of the Universe (x-axis, in years)... [+] on logarithmic scales. In other words, it gives us sufficient information so that we can compute approximately how long ago God created the universe. What is the end result of a contracting universe? The Bible implicitly teaches us about the age of the universe. A) A re-collapsing universe B) A coasting universe C) An accelerating universe D) A critical universe E) All models give the same age Cosmological models are based on direct observations. These difficulties sharpened with the discovery of CMB anisotropy by the There is currently active research into many aspects of the ΛCDM model, both to refine the parameters and possibly detect deviations. When Copernicus first created his Sun-centered model of the universe, it did not lead to substantially better predictions of planetary positions than the Ptolemaic model. 17) Which model of the universe gives the youngest age for its present size? 17) Which model of the universe gives the youngest age for its present size?18) What does the universe look like on very large scales?B) Galaxies are distributed in a great shell expanding outward from the center of the universeD) Galaxies are distributed in a hierarchy of clusters, superclusters, and hyperclusters19) Which of the following is not one of the three main strategies used to measure the masses of galaxy clusters?A) Measuring the speeds of galaxies orbiting the cluster’s centerB) Measuring the temperatures of stars in the halos of galaxiesC) Observing how the clusters bend light as gravitational lensesD) Studying the X-ray emission from hot gas inside the clusters20) Which of the following statements best summarizes what studies of the masses of individual galaxies of clusters of galaxies say about dark matter?A) Within individual galaxies, dark matter is always concentrated near the galactic center, and within clusters, it is always concentrated near the cluster centerB) Dark matter is the dominant form of mass in both clusters and individual galaxiesC) Dark matter is present in individual galaxies, but there is no evidence that it can exist between the galaxies in a clusterD) Dark matter is present between galaxies in clusters but not within individual galaxies22) Why can’t current theories describe what happened during the Planck era?A) Science does not understand the properties of antimatterB) The Planck era was the time before the Big Bang and you cannot describe what happened before the instantC) It was a time from which no radiation was receivedD) Astronomers do not know how much energy existed during that timeE) Scientists do not yet have a theory that links quantum mechanics and general relativityB) The expansion of the universe that is still observed todayC) The separation that occurs after two photons collide and create a particle and an antiparticleD) A sudden expansion of the universe after the strong force froze out from the GUT forceE) The sudden release of photons when a particle and antiparticle annihilate each otherD, D, B, B, C, B, B there I tried my best because of the comments below i hope that's right...all the time wasted writing the questions when that time could of been used to search for the answers.An accelerating universe A re collapsing universe would make it older than the universe extremely is.
In addition, ΛCDM has no explicit physical theory for the origin or physical nature of dark matter or dark energy; the nearly scale-invariant spectrum of the CMB perturbations, and their image across the celestial sphere, are believed to result from very small thermal and acoustic irregularities at the point of recombination.