While in Volantis, Tyrion is kidnapped by Daenerys' former advisor Varys discovers that the Meereenese insurgency, the Sons of the Harpy, are funded by the masters of Yunkai and Astapor and the slavers of Volantis, and brokers a meeting between Tyrion and representatives of those cities. The entire conversation is frank and shocking.Between sitting on Joffrey’s Small Council in the early days of the series and now, Varys and Tyrion have built an unbreakable and mutual trust. As Kevan dies, Varys explains that his death was necessary to destabilise the Seven Kingdoms in preparation for Aegon Targaryen's invasion, before ordering his little birds to finish Kevan off. “Five? As Tyrion implores Varys to see reason — despite the fact that Tyrion himself agrees with The Spider’s rationale — Varys tells Tyrion the same thing he’s been saying ever since the eponymous game of thrones was set in motion: “I will act in their [the Realm’s] interest no matter the personal cost.”As a last-ditch effort, or perhaps just to slyly prove his point to Tyrion after their discussion, Varys openly disagrees with Daenerys during their strategy meeting. Varys later testifies against Tyrion at his trial for murdering Joffrey, but when Tyrion is convicted, Jaime enlists Varys' help in smuggling Tyrion out of King's Landing to Essos. Tyrion worries that as far as Varys is concerned, a new and better prospect will always, eventually, emerge. Varys was well-known in King's Landing for being a eunuch. Character overview. A ruler loved by millions, with a powerful army, and the right family name… Who said anything about ‘him’?” However, Varys questions his previous judgement in “The Last of the Starks.” As he and Tyrion travel south to King’s Landing, with the Dragon Queen flying overhead and out of earshot, they share their doubts with one another. Varys continues to facilitate Tyrion and Shae's trysts, but testifies against Tyrion when Tyrion is tried for Joffrey's murder. Note here that both of these guys get the boot–Varys gets the torch–when they decide they are truly going to dissent and try to replace. Varys explains that a king born to a Targaryen father and Stark mother could miraculously manage to maintain the North’s allegiance to the Seven Kingdoms, which is the best possible outcome for the Realm at large if war is to be averted in future.

At one point in the season 8 Game of Thrones episode “The Last of the Starks,” Tyrion Lannister needles Varys, the Master of Whispers, about how many masters Varys … Varys sneaks into the Red Keep to kill Grand Maester Pycelle. Here, she can feign a false sense of security that Dany can exploit, burning thousands of innocents alive and fulfilling her father’s late legacy of converting King’s Landing into a pile of ash. Giphy. “I have served tyrants most of my life,” he tells Tyrion. The slavers agree to a truce with Tyrion, and Meereen begins to prosper. For his part, Tyrion still wants to believe the best in Daenerys and seems determined to defend her. Thoughts aren’t treason.”Unfortunately, Varys’ conviction to place Jon Snow on the Iron Throne could demand the most expensive price of all. Perhaps the most prominent aspect of their fellowship is seen when Varys, with the help of Jaime, orchestrates Tyrion’s escape from death row and arranges for him to meet Daenerys Targaryen in Essos — who, according to the Master of Whispers in season 5, could be the Queen the Realm has been waiting for:“The Seven Kingdoms need someone stronger than Tommen, but gentler than Stannis. After the Battle of Winterfell, we know she was right.Daenerys turning on Varys in a vicious manner could convince Tyrion that his Queen is not fit to rule the Seven Kingdoms, no matter how much her advisors try to temper her with counsel. Tyrion was no exception. “I beg you, Your Grace — do not destroy the city you came to save. After all, when discussing Joffrey’s reign as king, Tyrion is the person who tells Cersei that “it’s hard to put a leash on a dog once you’ve put a crown on its head.” And as Varys explains as he looks down on Jon and Daenerys alongside Tyrion and Davos in Winterfell, “Jon and Daenerys don’t want to listen to lonely old men.” In his eyes, no amount of counsel can deter Daenerys from her path of destruction, which is why he implies to Tyrion that he will go to extraordinary measures to take Dany out of the picture if her madness continues to fester.Interestingly, this recalls something Catelyn Stark told Rodrik Cassel in Martin’s first book,