And unlike what Christopher pulled last season, I kind of get this; Luke actually doesn’t know anyone else to help him here. Talking about season 6 last time felt like you could literally tell when the downward spiral that led to the worst season of Gilmore Girls started. She prefers to obsess over pop culture instead.I love that Gina Prince-Bythewood makes movies. Please note: your email address is provided to the journal, which may use this information for marketing purposes.Copyright © 2020 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd     京ICP备15042040号-3, locum consultant surgeon and honorary senior lecturer, consultant surgeon and professor of colorectal surgerylocum consultant surgeon and honorary senior lecturerconsultant surgeon and professor of colorectal surgery

And yet he seems to lose all interest in sex after this endeavor – and didn’t have enough experience to realize that a beach might not be the best location for it. What she does get is a doula, bless this show for at least mentioning the concept.In fact, Liz and TJ are so impressed with their doula, they name their daughter Doula in her honor. You know, this is something I will commend this season for. Finally, Babette and Miss Patty decide just to ask Lorelai about it, and she’s like, oh, you silly old geese, that didn’t mean anything. Listen to Rory here, a bed will fundamentally improve the experience. Okay.

Or the sudden increase in Luke and Zach scenes. He then buys an actually functional boat to take a trip with April, which Lorelai says is a totally new development for him since it used to take him weeks just to buy a T-Shirt.Except those two times he randomly bought real estate, but you do you.Finally, Lorelai joins the fray of the unsubtle shippers, when she interprets Luke wearing the hat she got him once again as a sign that they’re… Something. Nobody there likes him, because we have gone full meta now and he got in the way of the townspeople’s OTP. I bet those child support payments would have helped in not living in a tool shed for eight years.

Her due date is around Christmas! In front of everyone. So yeah.

Lorelai assures her it’s going to get better, and that she herself is totally over Luke at this point since he has failed to respond to the grand romantic gesture of karaoke in kind.I like how Christopher isn’t even mentioned all episode.Upon hearing that Rory is leaving in two days, Luke gets ready to rectify that and starts planning a goodbye party for Rory for the very next day, mobilizing the entire town, and going so far as to sow together a giant, waterproof cover when it threatens to rain that day.There is a nice little send-off with Lane first, and Lorelai is on the verge of freaking out but in project mode, so Rory thinks her mom is just fine. Finally, this summer, PowderKeg TV, Paul...It’s not exactly a secret that I’m a big watch fan around these parts. She’s not the kind of person you’d go to for parenting advice. The part featuring Rory.It is truly amazing how it feels like nothing happens for her all season, when she actually spends a significant amount of time looking for a job, preparing for graduation, having existential crises, and dealing with the fact that Logan can switch between characterizations within two episodes.First, she and Logan are doing the long distance thing, which goes well once the kinks of transatlantic phone calls are worked out, and Paris has talked Rory into sexting. With themes and shit!And that theme is that he suddenly feels guilty for not having been in Rory’s life, having been an inadequate father, and how much pain that causes That is the plot of at least three episodes. "April is in surgery, appendicitis, she should be out soon" Luke said "Oh thank god, I just got your message mom and I freaked" Rory sat by her mom "Well, April will be glad you… both of you are here" Luke patted Lorelai's hand. There are two pretty neat things about this, though:Anyhow, even after cutting a town event short and donating all the money they tried to raise by staging a knit-a-thon (finally my kind of town event), nobody sees the appeal of Chris. Lorelai is horrified that everyone is just passively polite to him, so she tries to get him to make friends with people. Like, that look Lorelai and Christopher give him for the proposal is spot-on, but we never actually see the show commit to condemning his behavior.