The versatile Luhr Jensen Krocodile lure features a narrow minnow shape that will sink quickly. There are many decision trout anglers must face when they head to the rivers and streams. If you have a Mepps Aglia tied you are almost guaranteed to get bit.There is nothing fancy about this spoon and maybe that is why it works so well. Lure fishing on streams and rivers can be a great way to cover a lot of water as you seek out trout in the various features along the banks. If you make a purchase after clicking on a link we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.Lure fishing on streams and rivers can be a great way to cover a lot of water as you seek out trout in the various features along the banks. I have been catching trout with this lure ever since I can remember and it’s still one of my go to lures.I feel like the Jake’s Lure often doesn’t get the credit it deserves.

It comes in a variety of colors so that you can easily match your waters forage and should be a staple for every trout angler.If there are trout in a river or a stream, the Panther Martin lure will catch them. It has an inline blade that produces a very distinctive action. In a fast flowing river they will be in places were smaller fish and nymphs will tend to get washed down into.Behind sunken logs and downstream of large eddies are a particular favorite of theirs. It means you should match or at least try to match exactly what the trout are feeding on day in day out. The most popular and perhaps the most effective colors are silver and gold. In this article, we go over the It’s tough to beat the world renowned original Rapala. It’s hard to compete with the Kastmaster lure. You will have no problems casting far and catching fish with the Jake’s Lure.Spinners and trout go together like cookies and milk. These in-line spinners are phenomenal lures that excel at catching fish in both rivers and streams. These lures tend to need a slightly faster retrieval rate than other spinners so this needs to be taken into account.The Mepps Agila easily one of the best trout lures for rivers and streams of all time. When fishing this lure in a river or stream a lighter size like a 1/12 will be the most effective.The Acme Kastmaster is made from solid brass and holds up in the toughest conditions. This is the classic french blade It can also be trolled in the larger sizes on lakes​A great little spoon for targeting deep pools or cast up and across stream you can cover a lot of water in a day with one of these. This in-line spinner features a stainless steel shaft wire, internal vibrating rattles, and a quality VMC treble hook that is built to last.The Blue Fox Vibrax is a great river and stream lure that comes in a variety of colors and sizes.

Rapala Original. This is one of my go-to lures. … For good reason – the Dynamic HD Trout lure is a fish grabber. I have caught more fish on this lure more than any other lure. It’s tough to beat the world renowned original Rapala. Best Trout Lures for Streams: Our Top 7 Lures. We appreciate you taking the time to give our article a look and hope this helps you catch more fish the next time you are out on the water. Mice tails are three inches in length. The original rooster excels in small streams and rivers and will catch trout of all species.This crank-bait was specifically designed for trout in Colorado and has quickly spread to many anglers across the United States. This proven light weight lure is known for its ability to provide a perfect spin both in and out of current.The Panther Martin spinner catches the attention of trout with it’s convex/concave blade shape combined with it’s in-line construction which generates a bright flash and attention-grabbing vibration.There are anglers that exclusively use Panther Martin spinners and for good reason. You can also use more artificial types of bait such as Powerbait or salmon eggs.​Some of the best methods when fishing with lures for trout on rivers and streams is to actively seek out where the trout will naturally hide.Trout love to hide away from prying eyes and they are one of the easiest fish to spook , take great care as you walk along the bank of the river not to make too much noise. Wild brownies on a mountain stream are some of the prettiest fish you will ever encounter.The best brown trout lures will imitate first and attract second.What does this mean? It can be a tough decision at times, but having the right trout lure tied on can be the difference between coming home empty handed and having a great day on the water.

He has participated and won fishing tournaments all over the country and enjoys fishing for bass, trout, walleye and other species.Subscribe my Newsletter for new blog posts, tips & new photos. This is a lure that should be on the top shelve of everyone’s tackle box.The spinning rotation and compelling vibration makes the Blue Fox Vibrax an absolute fish catcher. Perhaps the most important and challenging of these decisions can be selecting the right lure. The most popular color … The optimal depth for this bait is 0-2 feet. Compared to other trout spinners the Panther Martin will dive a little deeper so it can be great for targeting trout in deep pools and river runs.One of the best trout lures for rivers and streams and available in a range of sizes and colors there is something in the Blue Fox spinner range for every fishing venue.