Also, make sure she understands that modesty runs deeper than clothes.
Synonyms for modest at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. If your daughter doesn’t grasp the dangers of dressing and behaving immodestly, then she won’t internalize the value of modesty in her own heart and mind. Although there is another definition that follows which deals specifically with dress, I think the two go together to give a more complete idea of what modesty is. Modesty is behavior that flows out of remembering our true place of service, and does not conceitedly boast about the self, but boasts in God (Philippians 2:3–4; 2 Corinthians 10:17). modesty is how one dresses, speaks, and behaves or acts.
Modesty is as much about an attitude as it is about apparel. Though Raterman (2006, 232) and Bommarito (2013, 113) describe contexts in which saying “I am modest” is not self-undermining, self-ascriptions of modesty are, in general, self-undermining. Believe it or not, you These are just a few ways you can encourage your daughter to respect herself and to portray that self-respect in the way that she lives and dresses. It’s no secret that pre-teens and teens are vulnerable; they are at a transition stage in which they are especially susceptible to outside messages and will imitate what they see around them.
See more. Find descriptive alternatives for modest. This issue is more critical than ever in today’s society where pre-teens are encouraged by the media and peers to act and dress years older than they actually are. Everywhere you look, young girls—whether in real life, on television, or in advertisements— are dressed in ways that emphasize their sexuality and, to be blunt, degrade the value of female character.So, as mothers, how can we instill in our daughters the importance of being modest? Push-up Cleavage: You get shit done. We have mom life tips for family finances, work-life balance, and organizing your home. What do the experts think? See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. Emphasize the fact that revealing or immodest clothing attracts immoral, and possibly dangerous, people. Free printables for moms and kids to make your life easier and sweeter.“All the girls at school are wearing these, why can’t I?” “It’s my body; shouldn’t I decide what to put on it?” These questions reflect the timeless struggle between teen girls and their parents over the issue of being modest. It is important that your daughter develop a modest spirit: one that realizes her own value and desires to be modest for her own sake, not just because you force her to be. Parenting tips, answers, and ideas for every age and stage of your child’s life.Hundreds of marriage articles that offer you tips for a happy marriage, fun date night ideas and practical solutions for common problems that arise in marriage.Fun for kids, family games, and old-school family fun to bring everyone together and create memories.You have more to manage than ever before. Lastly, he describes an essential modesty which never changes, but is eternal, and is part of the Divine. ; free from vanity, egotism, boastfulness, or great pretensions. And you use that to teach men how to love you for the right reasons.” Jason Evert “Perfect humility dispenses with modesty.” C.S. The second level, internal modesty is how one contains ones inner thoughts and feelings. When you're presented with a problem, you don't sit there wringing your hands together, unsure of what to do or how best to proceed. Lewis “Dear girls, Dressing immodestly is like rolling around in manure. 3.
The face, neck, and arms of the modest maiden were flushed with indignant crimson.Our hero listened with modest pleasure while it was being read.Tell you what the trouble is with you, old man: you're too modest.He's as boyishly honest as if he were sixteen; and as modest.Few could imagine from his modest exterior the latent, fire and energy which burn in his bosom.Isn't the 'modest genius' rather proud of the hit she has made?Cyrus said, and added a modest bad word; which made Gussie cry.The modest assemblage of seven people, mostly under age, dispersed.The principal patrons of this modest watering-place are the peasants.Her plea was modest, but so expressed as to be irresistible.All Of These Words Are Offensive (But Only Sometimes)What Is The Difference Between “Furlough” vs. “Layoff”?Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.Join our early testers! True modesty is harmony between all three levels. Modesty is as much about an attitude as it is about apparel. Some of the definition of modesty is to wear the opposite of “form fitting” clothes (and the only way to describe the type of pants in style is form fitting (for the most part).
1. Modest definition, having or showing a moderate or humble estimate of one's merits, importance, etc. What’s the best way?
Modesty is the offspring of humility.