2. plebeians in a sentence Definition of plebeians. 3. Synonyms for plebeians at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. She was worshipped almost exclusively by plebeians, and her temple near the Circus Maximus was under the care of the plebeian aediles, one of whose duties was the superintendence of the corn-market. Find descriptive alternatives for plebeian. 1. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. It had nothing to do with militarism or with the violent sports that had brought aristocrats and plebeians together around the prize-fight or cock-fight. Education was limited to what their parent would teach them, which consisted of only learning the very basics of writing, reading and mathematics.Wealthier Plebeians were able to send their children to schools or hire a private tutor.Plebeians in ancient Rome lived in buildings called Since meat was very expensive, animal products such as pork, beef and veal would have been considered a delicacy to plebeians. One of the common people of ancient Rome. he was afterwards made grand almoner (1561) and by the other (Henry III.) The aristocratic origin of Rome, the struggle between the patricians and the .The victory in the conflict practically falls to the hitherto unenfranchised But something like a new nobility presently grew up among the commons themselves; there were popolani grossi at Florence just as there were noble The distinction, in truth, went on till the advantage turned to the side of the But we see no sign of the growth of a body made up of patricians and leading The Catuli and Metelli, among the proudest nobles of Rome, were Again, as Romulus was the author of the patrician groundwork of the constitution, so Servius was regarded as the originator of a new classification of the people, which laid the foundation of the gradual political enfranchisement of the Though patrician in sympathy, he saw the necessity of making concessions to the They were created in the same year as the tribunes of the people (494 B.C. The plebeians, also called plebs, were, in ancient Rome, the general body of free Roman citizens who were not patricians, as determined by the census or in other words "commoners". A well known condiment to this day known as In British, Irish, Australian, New Zealand and South African English the The general body of free ancient Roman citizens who were not patriciansAdam, Alexander.

Such an immigrant, therefore, must have become at once a free But the Kabuki-za and its yakusha (actors) remained always a If so, there would be no place in Athens for those great The nobles not only had privileges of rank and dignity, but substantial power over the The concilium plebis, although voting, like this last assembly, by tribes, could be summoned and presided over only by At Rome down to the last it made a difference whether the candidate for office was patrician or But although the curule aediles always ranked higher than the Returning home, he was appointed tutor to the sons of Henry II., by one of whom (Charles IX.)

n. 1. 13 11 In theory, the twelve plebeian centuries were open to all freeborn youths of the age of seventeen, although in practice preference was …