He was portrayed by Kurtwood Smith, and Corey Landis younger. While Red appears to treat his mother with respect, he rolls his eyes at her difficult behaviour and seems as relieved as Kitty when they drop her off or she doesn't show up ("Thanksgiving"). After his heart attack, which prompts Eric to stay home, as well as Eric leaving Donna at the alter, Red's attitude towards Eric does a complete reversal, and Red goes back to calling his son "Dumb-ass", presumably due to his disappointment in Eric's failure to live up to his expectations yet again, or perhaps thinking he needs to be hard on Eric to get him back on track. In the Memorial Day episode he wears a Navy Petty Officer's uniform, and he takes great pride in the fact that he once "punched out a Marine". Red wasn't a Marine. Red does not like Marty that much because he constantly wants to talk about his and Red's feelings and because he cries.

His wife is He always sees Laurie as "Daddy's Little Girl" instead of the mean-spirited, whore she truly is, but becomes wiser to her after finding out she lied to him about moving in with a friend when she was really living with a young man.Exactly why or how he got the nickname Red is unknown, but presumably it was because he had red hair when was young. As Eric grows more mature, Red respects the choices Eric makes as an adult, frequently admitting his hard line was to keep Eric in check during his adolescence. To begin with, Red has a somewhat strained relationship with Eric, who often does things that "piss him off." Reginald Albert "Red" Forman is a main character on FOX comedy That '70s Show.

Policemen actually feel bad for Eric because Red is his father ("Stolen Car"). He has mentioned fighting in the Western front as well.

He is known for playing Clarence Boddicker in RoboCop (1987) and

After the plant's closure, he worked as a salesman in his neighbor Bob Pinciotti's store, "Bargain Bob's". He was portrayed by Kurtwood Smith, and Corey Landis younger. Despite this, Red loves his son, and he has admitted this on several occasions; once when drinking in Season 1, once when drunk and under pain-reducing medicine ("Kelso's Career") and when Eric left for Africa ("Til The Next Goodbye"), Red has trouble admitting that he misses his son after Eric has left, but then tells Kitty, who is recording what he says, unknown to him: "Of course I miss him.

She is a cantankerous old woman who constantly insults and criticizes Kitty. Red also believes America is a great country, even if it is "going down the crapper." Red, Hardass, Sir, Boss, Whitey, Pop, Dad, Mr. Formanelli, the Grinch, Dr. BaldTake your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. --I'm adding a cleanup tag to this article because the information contained in the biography is slightly disorganized and redundant in parts. As far as I know, only Catholics call clergy "Father". I've hooliganned, I've no-good-nicked, I've ne'er-done-well, just yesterday I found myself rabble-rousing..." —Eric's wit. She is a cantankerous old woman who constantly insults and criticizes Kitty. Exactly why or how he got the nickname Red is unknown, but presumably it was because he had red hair when was young. There were four years over the course of eight seasons and yet every real year had holiday seasons, creating an average of two of each holiday per year. 27 records for Red Forman.