He is brought back to the very castle he escaped from, the serving boy proving to actually be his captor, Ramsay Snow. Jon reassures Theon that Sansa is safe, but furiously tells him that his life is only being spared since he helped save Sansa. Theon later encounters Mance Rayder (disguised as Abel the bard) and his spearwives, who enlist his help in freeing Jeyne, having been sent by Jon Snow. He can safely be considered one of the "main characters" and he (as Reek) is in a certain sense dead by now. At some point, Theon manages to escape with his former bedwarmer, Kyra, though this turns out to be a trick of Ramsay's and the two are soon recaptured.
Andando contro gli ordini dello stesso Balon, che gli aveva affidato una missione di scarsa rilevanza, Theon decide di assaltare direttamente Grande Inverno, proclamandosi “Principe di Grande Inverno” e prendendo in ostaggio Bran e Rickon Stark. Yara decides to retake the Iron Islands while Euron is preoccupied in King's Landing, but gives Theon her blessing to travel to Winterfell with his men to stand with the Starks against the White Walkers. Domeric dies soon after, and Roose suspects that Ramsay poisoned Domeric to become his heir. Roose agrees to let Jaime go, but keeps Brienne as a hostage, though Jaime later returns to secure her release. He is reportedly never far from his master, and is almost as renowned for his cruelty as Ramsay is, and appears to practice necrophilia.
However, later Roose privately reassures Ramsay of his position as his heir, and asks him to assist in defeating Stannis Baratheon's army.
Durante il consiglio di guerra, Theon offre se stesso e i suoi uomini per proteggere Scongiurato il pericolo degli Estranei, gli eserciti del Nord rendono omaggio ai loro caduti. After Ramsay points out that the other Northerners will turn on the Boltons if it is revealed that there is a living male Stark, Roose tasks Locke with hunting down Bran and Rickon and killing Jon Snow, Robb's bastard half-brother.
There he is reunited with Asha, who initially does not recognise him. While he has never questioned his position, he soon begins to have doubts after Theon is sent to the Iron Islands to persuade Balon to ally with the Starks against the Lannisters, but Balon instead intends to conquer the North while its army is fighting in the Westerlands. Theon refuses, and soon afterwards Winterfell is besieged by men of House Bolton commanded by (the then unnamed) Ramsay Snow, the sadistic bastard son of Lord Roose Bolton.
At some point, Theon manages to escape with his former bedwarmer, Kyra, though this turns out to be a trick of Ramsay's and the two are soon recaptured. Sansa affronta Theon ed è indifferente alle torture che l'uomo dice di aver subito da Ramsay; diventa però più bendisposta nei suoi confronti, quando egli si lascia sfuggire di non aver davvero ucciso Bran e Rickon. Outraged, Yara responds that she intends to save her brother on her own accord.Theon, submitting to his identity as Reek, remains a prisoner, locked in the kennels with Ramsay's hounds. In the aftermath of the Long Night, Theon is cremated along with those slain in battle. Questo dà a Theon il coraggio di affrontare i sottoposti di Yara, che vogliono abbandonarla per sfuggire all'invasione dei non-morti. Allo scoppio della guerra tra gli Stark e i Lannister, Theon decide di rimanere fedele agli Stark, in virtù della sua amicizia con il figlio maggiore Robb, il quale viene proclamato Re del Nord. File: /home/bq60o9f5vzd9/public_html/wikizero.com/application/controllers/Main.php One day, prior to Robert's Rebellion, Roose was fox hunting along the Weeping Water when he came across a young woman washing clothes in the stream, who was married to the old miller without Roose's knowledge. Balon rifiuta ed è indifferente alla sorte del figlio, ma Yara decide di partire per Forte Terrore con un piccolo gruppo di guerrieri per salvare Theon.