All you need to do is register to attend the live session. The starting grade for EPSO Ad is AD 5. AD 5 is the entry-level for University graduates. Principles of administrative law concerning the relations between administrative authorities and private persons”(1996) EU Ombudsman Code of good administration ReNEUAL model rules on EU administrative procedure European Parliament resolution of 9 June 2016 for an open,
It must be applied in its entirety across the EU. If this fits your profile description, then you could be one of the next The scale and complexity of the challenges the EU is facing demand the best of us.

Important documents: Competition notice Guide to open competitions "How to apply" manual If you need more general information on our selection …

Are you a recent law graduate with a great skill set, ambitious drive and strong motivation?

20 Jul 2020. The European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) is organising an open competition, based on tests, to draw up a reserve list of 80 successful candidates from which the institutions of the European Union (EU) in Luxembourg, primarily the European Court of Auditors, will recruit new members of the civil service as administrators (function group AD)..

Home > Administrators in the field of European Law. Insert free text, CELEX number or descriptors.

If this fits your profile description, then you could be one of the next lawyers to join the European Institutions. Those administrators recruited at this grade can undertake, under supervision, three main types of work in the institutions: Policy formulation Currently, As an employer, the Institutions and Agencies of the EU offer a community of expertise with a wide range of opportunities to broaden your learning, enhance your skills, and develop your career.

For example, when the EU wanted to make sure that there are common safeguards on goods imported from outside the EU, the Council adopted a regulation.

This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website Use

Official Journal of the European Union, C 156 A, 7 May 2019Official Journal of the European Union, C 156 A, 7 May 2019Official Journal of the European Union, C 156 A, 7 May 2019

NEXT WEEK on 30 July, EU Training will hold a FREE LIVE Information Webcast to familiarise you with the upcoming Administrators in the field of European Law (EPSO/AD/381/20) competition.

This grade refers to those graduates beginning their careers as administrators in the European institutions. News.

... Official Journal of the European Union, C 156 A, 7 May 2019.

On this page you will find specific information relating to competitions EPSO/AD/230-231/12 for Administrators (AD5 - AD7) in the following fields: European Public Administration, Law, Audit, Communication, External Relations.. EU case law CoE Handbook “The administration and you. Administrators in the field of European Law.

You can find out more about our equal opportunities policy and how to request special adjustments for selection tests on our For detailed information on requirements, please read the Notice of Competition on our apply page below.Get Started - Administrators in the field of European Law

Access to European Union law. Are you a recent law graduate with a great skill set, ambitious drive and strong motivation?

It is completely FREE to take part.