You can drive an hour or walk a 37km trail through the Valley of the Seven Castles to see some of the best.Beaufort, which is a bit farther afield, has a reconstructed, historically accurate torture chamber if that’s your thing. I hope that next time when John Oliver Googles ‘Luxembourg interesting facts’ he will find this article as a number 1 :)If you did like Luxembourg Interesting Facts please share it on social media, that would mean the world to me!If you didn’t like Luxembourg Interesting Facts please do tell so I can improve this site for you and other readers.And do not hesitate to get in touch with me if you have any questions about Luxembourg. People switch among the three fluidly. But in the past, the financial laws favoring secrecy also appealed to some questionable types, including Kim Jong Il of Luxembourgers speak German and French, but the language they learn as children is Luxembourgish.
A fter this week's chastening visit, Boris Johnson will probably think twice before returning to Luxembourg.But how much do you know about the little shard of Europe? Local delicacies include potato pancakes (Luxembourg’s prime minister, Xavier Bettel, was the first European Union leader to marry someone of the same sex when he married his partner, Gauthier Destenay in 2015. It's a lot larger than Andorra (180 square miles), Malta (122 square miles), Liechtenstein (62 square miles), San Marino (24 square miles), Monaco (0.78 square miles) and Vatican City (just 0.17 square miles). Its amazing architecture …
Not that I’m rubbing your nose one-language speakers :)Luxembourg’s Parliament operates in Luxembourgish, but they argue in French apparently haha Laws are drafted in French, but people are free to use French, German or Luxembourgish when dealing with the officials.Half of the population of Luxembourg are immigrants, so 5th language is always a mother tongue therefore don’t you worry, they do speak your language there for sure!Another Grand Duke Birthday which is a National Day of Luxembourg is celebrated on 23 June, although this has never been the actual birthday of any ruler, how is that for the best among Luxembourg interesting facts?
And Castle Bourscheid, perched atop a hillside, is one of the best-preserved castles in Europe. Luxembourgers are typically tri-lingual, with the country having three official languages: German, French, and Luxembourg’s cuisine is heavily influenced by both French and German food traditions. The City of Luxembourg—its Old Quarters and Fortifications—is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
We are indeed quite a special bunch and I love to see that you got everything right in this article, very well researched!
#thingsyouhavetodoatleastonceinyourlifetimeGuinness Record for the biggest wine list goes to... Luxembourg!
And that is what I call master ninja planning. It has a complicated history.
1. Did you know that there are different Luxembourgish pronunciations, accents and even words depending you’re from the North, the South, the capital or the Eastern border (along the Moselle)? Dj’s and live music shows are set on every possible corner of every square, the city raves till wee hours! Luxembourg is one of the smallest countries in the world and spans an area of just 1,650 square kilometers.
#donotmesswithluxembourgIs it a Dutch or a Luxembourg flag, that is an eternal question! They told me there are lots of rules and restrictions on house/building construction so I think I’m up to something here!If you are a Luxembourger or any other nationality but you know for sure that painting houses in pastel colours is a law in Luxembourg and you can prove it, And before you start smartassing me, yes I’m well aware that it hasn’t been the only Grand Duchy in the history of the world. The previous year, 83 per cent of the population voted in favour of same-sex marriage.Crémant de Luxembourg, a high-quality sparkling wine, won 22 gold medals in the Crémant Awards in 2015. 8. (PS. It is a West Germanic language since Frankish times, established along the banks of the Moselle.Luxembourgish is used in pre-school education.
Landlocked Luxembourg has the equivalent of about 61 days of sun per year. And hey there wasn’t really much research, just observations from my time in the country.Thank you for such a great and interesting material! And now I think we Polish should switch to summer too, maybe we could think of a bit more happy party Luxembourg-style!This is the most important one among all Luxembourg interesting facts, especially if you are a wine lover/an addict like me!As soon as I entered the restaurant, I approached the waiter and told him, please watch me, as I may sneak into your cellar and stay there forever. In their 2015 World Happiness Report, the United Nations ranked Luxembourg number 17 out of 158, not bad for a country with a population of about half a million.
It is a lighthearted religious ceremony happening in Echternach on every Whit Tuesday.Thousands of pilgrims, musicians, abbots and bishops from all over Europe dressed in white shirts and black trousers hop to the polka melody to the crypt of St.Willibrord’s tomb.Fun Fact: the Catholic Church wasn’t very optimistic about this ceremony and was keen on banning it.