It all resides in the confidence of the angler. Your spot is picked out. An 1/8-ounce jig head seems to be the go-to weight for a variety of situations. You also have the choice of piercing right through the worm, but I’ve found that this strategy causes the worms to crack and break apart prematurely. are ready to go. With a combined 100 years of experience passed down to me, these rigs have been pummeled into my brain over my childhood and early adulthood.

Finally, the plastic lure of choice is attached.Now, this is where the debate starts. Let’s take a look! Keep in mind that you can modify this rig with a drop shot as well to create an even more natural action.

The Ned Rig is one type of bass fishing rig you can try when water temperatures drop and slow presentations are in order. This is regardless of the fact that no predator has complete predatory instinct that totally manipulates hunting in the light. Generally speaking, you will want to use a 1/16-ounce jig head. You have the choice of adding a sinker or fish it weightless.

Some avid anglers have developed advanced or personal bass rigs to fool this famous game fish. I will peg, however, if the cover is super tight and thick.What makes this rig so versatile are the different plastics that can be fished: senkos, flukes, beavers, worms, lizards, tubes.Kind of like the shaky head, this is a great rig to use when fish are timid. I’ve never been a huge fan of this presentation because I didn’t really get the purpose. Well, I like the Texas rig because it’s weedless. run perpendicular to your line giving your lure a Next, The Texas rig is the most common bass rig because it’s versatile and you can use it in combination with a lot of other styles. Make sure to size down if you’re fishing during cold weather months because the bass isn’t willing to accept a challenge during this time. I would rig it up just like I said, use a Texas rigged worm, and simply drop it near weed beds and rows of tall grass. Then you want to attach that setup to a six-foot fluorocarbon leader. I then move my rod up to move my lure and then let it sit in that spot until I feel the nibbles. Think you know everything about bass rigs now? Once you catch a few fish, you will want to fish more, learn more, and catch more.

See, I told you it was simple! The presentation is simple.

It’s a great choice for cold-water fishing because it’s simple, small, and ideal for finesse angling. 1. However, there's no reason to put it down if the fish are hammering it. A medium spinning rod will do the trick.

The bass have a high tolerance to warm water with low oxygen which give them the ability to come closer to shore then other fish and take advantage of the food that's available such as bigger insects, frogs, mice, snakes or even baby birds. Lizards, worms, flukes and a variety of other plastics all produce.What are you waiting for? First, you want to take a bullet sinker and slide it on your line with a bead or brass clacker behind it.