Level D/E if you complete the responses to drought section. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Match. This is down to physical and human factors:Changes in surrounding ocean temperature – the temperatures of the south Atlantic and Indian Oceans increased, with a smaller temperature gap between land and ocean, and Some scientists believe climate change has reduced rainfall or made it less predictable.The social and economic impacts of drought in the SahelSubsistence farmers' crops fail and livestock dies. Droughts occur when a long period of abnormally dry weather leads to a severe water shortage. You might want to consider giving a specific small scale case study of how one country or region within the Sahel was affected by the drought. UK Drought of 2012 - Case Study 1 - Geography GCSE. There are few reservoirs, which means there is a heavy reliance on groundwater supplies.

The Sahel is located directly south of the Sahara desert and stretches from the east to the west of Africa. California is no stranger to dry spells.

Eroded material is washed into rivers or water holes resulting in contamination.Encouraging farmers to grow drought-resistant crops.Improving knowledge and understanding of droughts across the region by launching the Africa Climate ExchangeUse of drip irrigation systems to reduce water usage.Lines of rocks are placed across the land to slow flowing rainwater and encourage the of sediments (rich in nutrients). This can lead to famine and hunger.Commercial farms growing cash crops such as cotton lose income, which may cause unemployment.With less food being grown and an increase in demand, food prices increase.Increased soil erosion makes the land less fertile, creating a long-term issue for the farming community.Clean water is not available for people to drink, increasing the use of contaminated water and diseases such as cholera.People (usually women and children) travel further to find water, which means children miss school and the carrying of heavy loads can lead to back problems.Seasonal rivers and water holes dry up, so organisms which live in them or rely on them for water may die.Vegetation dies causing animals depending on it for food or shelter to perish or migrate.Increased soil erosion. Test.

The last time the region experienced a drought similar to the current one was in the late 1970s. Write. Flashcards.

Includes presentation, student worksheet and information pack. PLAY. Created by. A case study of the UK 2012 drought for the Natural Hazards unit. Sign in, choose your GCSE subjects and see content that's tailored for you.The years 2004-06 were one of the driest periods on record in the UK.South-east England is particularly vulnerable to drought because it has a high population density. Case study - the impact of drought in a developing country: the Sahel. Droughts are also often caused by the activity of humans and can have devastating effects.Our team of exam survivors will get you started and keep you going. Study Flashcards On UK Drought Case Study at Cram.com. Start studying CASE STUDY A2 Weather & Climate - 1976 uk drought. Learn.