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John has over 25 years of technology entrepreneurship, management and executive experience, leading product, marketing and consumer teams and divisions. We don’t think it’s possible to be unbiased.” Allsides, he said, is set up to expose that bias, and place it in its proper context.Laid out like a regular news site, Allsides features a major story above the fold and less prominent stories below. When we are given their opinions, if people cannot understand then it becomes a swaying from one side or the other.
The fact that people from both sides of the aisle believe AllSides holds a solution to our hyperpolarized and partisan society and are willing to invest in the solution gives us hope for the future of our nation.On the flip side, is a for-profit company. AllSides Balanced Search reveals information and ideas from all sides of the political spectrum so you can get the full picture. Just a few months old, the site, Allsides, is starting out focused on one of the hairiest subject of them all: the 2012 election. Replies. He is currently funding an impeachment campaign among other causes, and is often vilified by conservatives.AllSides has also worked with organizations and received funding from the Foundation. As long as those opinions are based on reason and on facts. Our readers are pretty evenly split among left, right and mixed political leanings – about one third each.
There are going to be sources mentioned here that you don’t trust and some you trust that won’t be mentioned here. Just a few months old, the site, According to Allsides CEO John Gable, the point is to provide a more well-rounded view of complex stories. Unbiased news does not exist; we provide balanced news and civil discourse.In our hyperpolarized society, people often disparage or boycott brands that work with, are run by, or receive funding from people, groups or institutions whose politics they disagree with.Well, if that describes you, you should probably boycott AllSides.We are not actually advocating that you boycott us, of course. He co-founded Kavi Corp (web-based collaboration, sold to Higher Logic) and previously was a professional political campaigner and executive director in the 1980s working for the Republican National Committee as well as for candidates for US President, US Senate, US Congress, Governor and local campaigns. More like information and opinions, and it varies within each commentator and outlet. Join over 260,000 subscribers!Allsides seems to provide the truth, in that there is no unbiased “RELIABLE NEWS OUTLETS…”. Save this article by becoming a member today!
But that's part of the point of AllSides: to bring together people who might otherwise disagree in order to work toward the common goal of understanding the world and each other better.When we refuse to work with people who are different than us, we run the risk of not understanding them or being mislead into thinking they are "evil."
While some might cite this as a reason to hate us, we take a different view.